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The awesome A-10 Thunderbolt II began as a design intended to kill Soviet tanks if they crossed from East Germany into Western Europe but it has evolved to fill many roles from Combat Air Support to spotting in a Forward Air Control role. It's calling card is the mind-blowing GAU-8 30mm rotary cannon which fires milk bottle-sized rounds at a staggering rate obliterating anything it decides to reach out and touch. Combine that gun with precision strike capabilities as the airframe has evolved and you have a proven battlefield performer. It carries the legacy of her WWII counterpart in both name and ability! But don't call it a Thunderbolt II. Just say "HOG!"
A-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIOff TargetOne Of A Kind ShapeUnleash The FuryIf You're Drving A Tank...Tremendous VisibilityAnother Firing PassA Little FlashWaving GoodbyeHeading HomeGo Ugly Early!Good DefenseA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt IIA-10 Thunderbolt II